Stone House Cottage Garden was created in 1975.
"A romantic garden set in an old walled kitchen garden. The area is only 1 acre but seems much larger- hedges divide it into different compartments and create diverse habitats in which to grow the vast selection of rare and unusual plants that thrive here.
Unusual brick follies adorn the walls and these in turn, are covered with a multitude of climbing and twining plants in which the garden specialises.
The garden acts as a shop window for the adjoining nursery. Here you can buy plants of almost all that grow in the garden - the list of shrubs and climbers includes many hardly ever seen for sale in this country."
The Garden
"Visiting a nursery like this, which has a garden attached, means that you come home with as many ideas as you do plants"
Mary Keen - The Independent
“…Louisa seems to have a remarkable way with plants, especially the more desirable ones and is not intimidated by a plants recalcitrant reputation”…
Roy Lancaster – The Garden
".. an enchanting garden…"
Robin Lane-Fox - The Financial Times
“.. Plant lover’s gardens can be chaotic but Louisa stages her borders with a fine eye for texture, shape and colour…”
Stephen Lacey -The Daily Telegraph